so what's been going on on my side of town?
Not much of anything really....I haven't' gone on a lot of auditions....I went on one Friday for a student project...I will know this week if I got that or not.
I got the dvd copy from the student film I did a few weeks ago....the director may want to use me for another project of if so...I'll let you know!
I'm sort of in a "non-acting" mode....maybe its the weather because I tend to go into hibernation mode when it starts to get cold...and I would only come out to go to work or for special don't be surprised if I go on a small hiatus ha!
I'll still keep my eye out for castings of interesting projects but I don't think I'll be submitting myself to a lot like I was earlier this year.
I still haven't received any positive responses from the commercial casting directors and/or agents that I've met and/or mailed my headshots to. I don't know if I'm still going to pursue the commercial world when I get my new headshots in a few months. I have to see...I don't know.
I plan to take a class in Oct. And I am praying for a financial downpour so that I can start my video editing career....I pray that my next "job" is video editing...I do not want another administrative job...that would drive me insane!
Anyhoo, that's it for now....I will keep you posted....
Just don't quit. Taking a break to train and decompress is always good if you need it!