Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Abundance Surrounds Me...

Hey People

I'm in a sharing mood right now and just wanted to put this out there!! I wish nothing but abundance, wealth & prosperity for everyone that I know and don't know! May all your desires be fulfilled, all your needs met, and all your dreams made reality!

Here are two prayers for can change the wording if necessary....

God Bless!!

Abundance Prayer #1

I Am Abundance

by Rita Desnoyers-Garcia

In the depth of my soul, I know that I am pure abundance. I know that abundance is all around me and inside me, flowing through me. I feel abundance in the air that I breathe, the food that I eat, in the sounds that I hear, and the richness of textures I touch.

I know this truth because I am a child of the Universe. I am part of this Universe that always provides and flows in and through me. When I am quiet with the Universe I know that I am not separate from it, but rather one and the same.

Therefore, I am blessed to give and blessed to receive. When I give with my heart, I always receive back many time over.

When I give money to buy or give love to anyone, I always receive more than I expect.

I am blessed when I share because there is plenty to go around. There is no reason to hoard or compete. I can be generous and humble, understanding that there is a never-ending supply.

I am blessed when I take time to enjoy my bounty because it is in the enjoyment that I experience ever-increasing richness of my life.

I know that this abundance appears in my life not because I have had to do something to earn it, but because I have let go of the beliefs that cover it. I ask that you continue to support me in my letting go and letting Source to provide me with all I want and need.

I thank you, Universe, Source of all my supply, for the peace in my heart and the ever-increasing love that I feel as I say this abundance prayer each day.

Abundance Prayer #2

"Prayer Treatment for Abundance"

Written for Kathy Moore by Karen Petersen, CH

Abundance Prayer(Read aloud morning and evening.)

"God is Perfect Abundance, the Source of infinite prosperity. God is All Substance, All Power, All Energy, All Good, All in All, All Everything. It is the joy of God to provide perfect happiness, perfect love, perfect harmony, perfect peace, and perfect abundance to all of (His) children.

I am a child of God, a beautiful spark of the Divine, created out of the same Substance and Energy as my (Father.) My talents and skills are boundless. I magnetize new business and unlimited supplies of money at all times. I am a success at everything I do, and everything I do benefits my clients and attracts more clients and more business to me. My life is filled with abundance. I deny all thoughts of lack or poverty or unworthiness. I am blessed in all that I do, all that I am, and all that I create.

I now create prosperity for myself, and I am open and ready to receive my Good. My prosperity brings me joy and satisfaction and plenty of money to fill all of my desires. I always have plenty of money in my bank account, and I circulate it wisely. I bless the money that I spend. I bless those I owe, and I pay my bills promptly and with pleasure. I know that whatever I give comes back to me tenfold and more.

The Truth is that I am increasingly magnetic to money and prosperity. The Truth is that the Divine Source of All, the Omnipotent Being in Whose likeness and image I was made, wants me to have abundance in my life. The truth is that prosperity is for all, and that all one has to do is set the intention to have it and it is there. One can take a thimble to the ocean, or a cup or a bucket, and whatever vessel one takes will be filled and still the ocean will be full and give more.

The Universe is like an ocean. I now take my bucket to the Universe and I refill it as often as I desire to. God supplies my every need. Every need of my life and longing of my soul is now being fulfilled. Because I know that God is Everything, God is in Everything, and that anything that is not Godly is a creation in the mind of man and not God. I am a part of God, I know that I am perfect and deserve good in my life. I now release my intention of prosperity to the Universe, and I am open and ready to receive my Good. This or something better. Thank you, God."


  1. Do you happen to know how to contact Karen Peterson, CH? I've used this abundance prayer for years. I don't know where I got it. I'm currently waiting to adopt and would love to pay her to write a prayer for someone in my situation.

    1. Hi Julien, I don't know Karen personally. I can't remember where I saw this prayer. I'd actually forgotten about it until you commented. Maybe you can google the title of the prayer or just Karen's name and find some contact info. Thanks for stopping by...God bless on the adoption!
