Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And God Said....

"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light"
(Genesis 1:3, NIV)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
When God commanded light to come forth, it came—at 186,000 miles per second! Friend, when God commands something, you can be sure that it's going to happen.
Just like He commanded the worlds to be formed, God has commanded that you be blessed. He has commanded that you prosper and increase. He has commanded that you be above only and not beneath. As a believer and follower of Jesus, you are called to be the head and not the tail. If you will get into agreement with God and not let other people or your own thoughts talk you out of it, then you will see this commanded blessing take you further than you ever thought possible.
Today, set your heart and mind on His goodness. Believe that He is ready to take you places that you've never dreamed. Receive His promises because He is faithful. If God said it, He will do it! Get ready because He is pouring out His blessing on every area of your life!
Father God, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank You for the power in Your Word to change my world. I choose to get into agreement with You and declare that Your will be done in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
- Joel & Victoria Osteen

© 2010 Joel Osteen Ministries

To add onto what Joel says is another article I found here

The Place of the Commanded Blessing

Are you in the place of blessing in which God has called you to be?
Do you know that God has a place prepared for you—a special place where His blessing is commanded upon your life?
Everybody wants God's blessings to come to where they are, but God wants you to come to the place where His blessing already is and where it is already waiting for you. The Place of the Commanded Blessing is a place of supernatural abundance. When you are in obedience to God and His Word, you are able to command the blessing upon your life.
There are two truths at work here. First of all, God commands blessings on obedience—His blessing resides in and on His will fulfilled. Secondly, when you are in His will through your obedience, you have the legal and spiritual right to command the blessing upon your life in agreement with God's Word.
You can only bless what God has already blessed! And no one can curse what God has blessed! Speak to your blessing—speak to your harvest—and you will see the blessings of God come on you and overtake you! When you are in the place of the commanded blessing you don't have to worry about your provision—the blessing is inevitable.
God has great things for you! When you take what you have and put it in His hands, you will see a multiplied increase in your life. He has so much blessing for you that you will not be able to contain it! You hold the key in your hands right now.
Allow this teaching to increase your faith to believe God for supernatural provision in every area of your life! Step out of the boat onto the water of supernatural provision and live the life that God has for you!

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