Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Step Into Your Season!!

Hey People!

Just a quick note here: I wanted to share with you a message that I received from Joel Osteen today!!

2011 is time for us to hold on to our dreams and desires....not give up....it's time for us to be strong, faithful and live up to our full potential!

It's time to make moves toward our goals and build a brighter and better future. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!!

Joel shared a declaration for you for this year: By Faith declare: “2011 is my year! I’m stepping into a new season. I’m letting go of what didn’t work out. I’m putting on a new attitude and enlarging my vision. I’m going to go into this year with a new fire and greater expectancy. I’m pressing forward to step into my season!”

Speak this over your life, over your circumstance and believe that it shall come to pass. BELIEVE and if you waver remind yourself of this....remind yourself of GOD's promises and love and know that He's faithful to those that believe!

Do your part and God will definitely do his!

Here's a prayer for you:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth of Your Word which sets me free. I declare by faith that my due season is here. I will stand strong, I will keep believing, I will keep praying, I will stay faithful to Your Word. Thank You for the harvest of blessing in store for me in my future. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Stay Blessed!


  1. I definitely believe this is my year!! I'm claiming it!!

  2. It is definitely your year Michele! Believe it, expect it, stand strong, and stay encouraged!!
